Wednesday, June 18, 2008

April 28th


"David ran and stood over him. He took
hold of the Philistine's sword and
drew it from the scabbard. After he
killed him, he cut off his head with
the sword."
-- 1 Samuel 17:51

And David, having sufficiently paraded the monster's head around Jerusalem, called together a committee:
"Listen gents," he propped his bare feet on the conference table, puffed slow on his cigar, "We gotta get this kid into show business. I mean, a quick shave and a crew cut, and we're sittin' on a serious gold mine."
Excited murmers around the table -- David was a genius.
"I mean, you gents 'member dat King Kong flick, eh? We gots our hands on the same kinda freak. 'Cept this sonuvabitch ain't gonna go apeshit on us in the big middle of an exhibition." David cackled and stroked his moustache. "It's foolproof."
So it was settled. The exhibition launched from Jerusalem and traveled the known world. Kings, peasants, shepherds, carpenters, grease monkeys, hipsters, snake charmers, roughnecks, wise men -- all came from far and wide to see the slain giant.

History, treasures
Safe in the hands of tourists
And ready money

One young woman, dressed head-to-toe in new wave florescents and blacks, grips the arm of her friend, bouncing:
"Ooo ... Don't he look like whosyacallit from The Smiths?"

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